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Vernisha Akinlotan

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Q & A with Vernisha Akinlotan

Owner & Creative Director of Akinlotan Creations

How did you get started?

For many years, I ran from the idea of being a business owner and was fearful of failure. I am a praise and worship leader at my church and one Sunday, I led worship singing a song entitled, We Serve by J.J. Hairston. The song has a line that simply says NO MORE FEAR, HE’S IN CONTROL. At that moment, I knew it was time for me to move forward. I made an investment and started a business of making shirts and bringing customers creativity to reality.

Tell us about your business and what you do. What sets your business apart from others?

It’s simple. I make shirts, onesies, decals and much more when my creativity runs wild. We are set apart by our motto, “ Bringing YOUR creativity to REALITY!”. We strive to put the customers first and bringing out a side within that they may not tap into daily. We aren’t trying to get rich, but allow the world to hear you without speaking a word.

What challenges have you faced along the way?

One challenge that I’ve faced is learning to say NO! I’ll admit that when I first started and business was coming through, I couldn’t say no. As a result, I wasn’t taking care of myself. I took orders and stayed up half the night to complete them. I had to realize that all money isn’t for me and if I’m neglecting me, it’s not for me. I had to find balance.

What is your source of inspiration/motivation and what are you most proud of?

My source of inspiration is my clients and seeing their visions come into fruition. I am motivated and encouraged when I see clients wearing or using the items I have created.

What words of encouragement or advice would you give to other women dreaming of starting their own business or embarking on a new personal or professional project?

Even when you are fearful, push through and prove your fears wrong. You will never know you can until you push through. You may not have the answers to everything, but be open for growth and error. Most importantly, God has you covered and won’t allow you to fail.

Robin Avila

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Q & A with Robin Avila

Co-Owner of Party Garage

How did you get started?

My husband and I had been wanting to start our own business for many years. Several years before we actually started  Party Garage, we had put a deposit down, but got scared and changed our minds. Several years went by and we still had the desire to try and do our own thing. We went back to the same company developers and started the process again. This time, we didn't look back!

Tell us about your business and what you do. What sets your business apart from others?

We are a mom and pop party supply store. We carry the licensed theme party supply items, as well as solid-color table supplies, balloons, pinatas, etc. I think what sets us apart from other stores is that every customer that walks in our store gets personal assistance. We've had several customers that we've come to know on a first name basis invite us to their festivities. 

What challenges have you faced along the way?

The main challenge we have faced is financial. Since we carry merchandise, we have to restock when it sells. Sometimes this isn't easy to do. We can't just order what we are low on. Our orders have to be several hundred dollars and we have several vendors that we order from.

What is your source of inspiration/motivation and what are you most proud of?

I pray everyday. It's been really tough and several times we have thought of closing or selling the business. I'm proud that we have managed to hang on for 2 years now. When Hurricane Harvey hit our area, it was really hard on us because of course nobody was having parties. They were working on their homes.

What words of encouragement or advice would you give to other women dreaming of starting their own business or embarking on a new personal or professional project?

Make sure you have a safety net and low or no debt. Also, have a good chunk of a savings account established. I wish I would have known more when I started. There will be slow times. You need a "safety net" during these times."

Brandelyn Flunders

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Q & A with Brandelyn Flunder

Director at UT Austin & Paparazzi Consultant 

How did you get started with UT? Discuss your passion for serving students?

I enrolled at UT in 2002 with the desire to attend law school. After two years on campus participating in various organizations that were working towards the recognition and empowerment of Black students, I entered the Multicultural Engagement (formerly Information) Center as a student director. Through this opportunity, I learned much about myself, about how to navigate bureaucratic processes, and how to develop of plan of action for change. However, I had no desire to remain at UT after graduation. While I had let go of my dreams of becoming a lawyer, I planned to serve students in a teaching capacity and had no idea that working at UT for the past 11 years would fulfill that goal. My passion for serving students lies in the possibility, in the unknown, and in the discovery. Students bring so much with them when they come to UT including their cultural and personal values, their curiosity for learning new things, and their hunger for success. There is literally no greater feeling than being part of their journeys. Whether helping to hold them accountable for the dreams that they develop for themselves or being their cheerleader and motivator when they fall short, my passion for them is realized when they find and/or operate within their own.

Now, we'd love for you to tell us about your new-found passion Paparazzi! Can you briefly explain what Paparazzi is?

Paparazzi Accessories is a company that designs fun, affordable, and trendy jewelry with a mission to empower women (specifically) to inspire confidence within themselves and the world around them in order to make lasting change.

What inspired/motivated you to join the Paparazzi team?

My first interaction with Paparazzi was as a consumer with the goal to support my best friend. In July, she challenged herself to add to her team at the same time that I had committed myself to really choose faith over fear; it was kismet. Joining was low risk (the fee was $99 with the possibility of an immediate $75 profit) and I knew that I had a motivated mentor in place. On the heels of a recent heart condition diagnosis and losing my father to the same condition, I decided that life was too short to live with thoughts of "what if." I wanted to do something that I had never done before (to truly bet on me) in order to get something that I felt I had never had before (grit). I also wanted to show my 4 boys what sacrifice and diligence looked like while gaining confidence in myself and what I have to offer in order to build my entire brand. There are many companies that I could have chosen, but this company is built on empowerment and accessibility, which instantly resonated with the work that I do every single day.

Did you have any hesitations, doubts that may have crept in prior to making the decision? If so, how did you respond to them?

Doubt was actually my biggest hesitation. I had doubt that I could commit the time and energy that entrepreneurial endeavors require and doubt that I would have the support of those around me. I responded with faith. Through prayer and encouragement from my best friend, I resigned (and later rejoiced) to the fact that if I truly believed that God had plans to prosper me spiritually, physically, emotionally, and financially, than fear had no place because the two cannot exist together. If God had not given me the spirit of fear, why was I deliberately choosing to operate outside of His calling for my life? I could no longer say that I chose faith over fear if I didn't actually believe that it was a tangible possibility for me.

What do you enjoy about Paparazzi?

I enjoy the sisterhood, the cute jewelry, and the infinite possibilities to do well. As I mentioned before, Paparazzi's model is predicated on empowerment and support. They highlight accomplishments, offer continuous training, respond to emails quickly, disallow website purchase without assigning a consultant, and truly believe that jewelry gives you confidence and that confidence transforms into power to change the world around you. It doesn't hurt that the pieces are affordable, though not cheap, ever changing, and absolutely gorgeous!

What words of encouragement or advice would you give to other women dreaming of/thinking about pursuing a new project, business opportunity or taking a leap of faith?

As cliché as it sounds, just do it. Don't let doubt, or fear, or overthinking, or folks deter you from your desires. Everyone won’t always share your vision and that's okay. Those that rock with you are going to rock with you and those that don't aren't your desired audience anyway. Develop your goals, determine your support system, identify your networks, market your product (especially if that product is you), work your business every single day, and remain flexible and open. Most of all stay true to your self and values and remember that the hustle has an expiration date, but the fruit is sweet for 5, 10, and 20 years in the future.

T. 123-456-7890

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Q & A with Marlene Izaguirre from Paper to Flower

How did you get started?

This journey began when I decided to create paper flowers for my daughter's baby shower. After having them stored in a closet my husband advised I should sell them on Facebook where I received encouraging messages to start my own business. David, my husband, once again encouraged me to create a page and do something I loved while staying at home caring for our daughter.

Tell us about your business and what you do. What sets your business apart from others?

At Paper to Flower every paper flower is hand cut and assembled with love by yours truly. I make sure each and everyone of my clients is satisfied with the product they are purchasing by updating them with photographs of my progress on their order. Paper flowers are great for events and home/nursery/office decor and will brighten any space.

What challenges have you faced along the way?

As a stay at home mother I've had to make adjustments to make sure my daughter is receiving the attention needed. I either work on orders early in the morning or late at night which at times I've been sleep deprived but a good coffee on hand always helps.

What is your source of inspiration/motivation?

All my clients motivate me to create sets I am proud of and knowing they love them inspires me to keep creating them.

What are you most proud of?

I am most proud of having a family that supports and encourages me to keep doing what I love to do even if this it temporarily as I do plan on pursuing my career once my daughter starts school.

What words of encouragement or advice would you give to other women dreaming of starting their own business or embarking on a new personal or professional project?

Be patient and never compare yourself to those in the same field as you. There's room for everyone and we all have our own shine! Always do everything with love!

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Q & A with Kathlyn Locke from Blank Canvas 

How did you get started?

Blank Canvas was created as the result of a beginner’s paint class I attended as a birthday gift.

I was so focused on getting the painting PERFECT I missed the FUN. A month later, I took a second class at a different venue, and that time around I was determined to have fun. I gave myself permission to just BE in the moment. I looked at the blank canvas in front of me, inhaled, exhaled, and created my imperfect masterpiece. ​Thus “Blank Canvas” was born. I created Blank Canvas to be a space that provides my guests with the ultimate opportunity for “me time.” It is a place of relief for those who are so consumed with life that they forgot how to have fun.

Tell us about your business and what you do. What sets your business apart from others?

Blank Canvas is a "Paint and Sip" Studio. We combine fun, energetic art classes with your favorite beverage resulting in the ultimate socializing experience. We pride ourselves in providing our guests with a relaxed space where they can unwind and discover their own creativity. As a BYOB venue, you are free to bring the drinks and snacks of your choosing to consume during your art class. ​ Our weekly painting sessions are open to the public. We also host private parties for team building, birthdays, holidays, bachelorette parties, date nights, girls' night out and more! What sets Blank Canvas apart from other Paint and Sip Studios is that our instructors are not only the class facilitators, they are also the creative minds behind each piece. This means, when our guests are learning how to create each painting, they are actually learning the true steps, and techniques, the artist used when the painting was initially created.

What challenges have you faced along the way?

I believe the challenges that I have faced are those that are very common among new businesses. One major challenge in particular would be marketing and promotions. There are so many steps involved in getting the word out that we are here and open for business, and it has been difficult to decide which sources can actually do that without there being a catch in the fine print or an outrageous cost. My biggest challenge to date has been inconsistent class sizes and attendance. Although I know that, often times, this is out of my control, I still tend to question myself. I sometimes find myself asking questions like “Did I pick the right location?” “Is the sign big enough?” or “Should I change my website?” Which circles back to marketing and promoting the business.

What is your source of inspiration/motivation?

My source of inspiration and motivation is that I did not choose the business, the business chose me. I have no drawing or painting skills. My background is actually in accounting, and for the last 5 years, I have owned and operated a tax preparation office. For my birthday my family made reservations for an art class. This class ended with the paint brush literally shaking in my hands. We live in a world where we are consistently judged on our imperfections, and my goal was to create the perfect painting. Instead of having fun and building memories with my family, I completely stressed myself out. I soon realized that I had spoiled the celebration, and I made reservations for a do over at a different venue. This time, my youngest daughter made me promise to have fun. I agreed. I looked around and was amazed to see how the artist could take a blank canvas, a paint brush and paint and create something so beautiful. That was the moment that changed my life. I was now able to enjoy my famiy, as we laughed and teased each other's art work. I was also inspire by how they were bold enough to change the colors to display their own personalities. Even though we all attended the same class all of our paintings were different and imperfect, and it was okay. The world did not end. Immediately following the paint class, I shared with my family that I was changing the tax office into a painting studio. The same day we came up with the name Blank Canvas and purchased the website domain name. My motivation is my family, my inspiration is all of the imperfections in the world.

What are you most proud of?

What I am the most proud of is that every week I get to create an atmosphere where my guests can come and have fun in a judge free zone. I get to host and be a part of unforgettable moments and memories that are created in my studio. When proposals happen or when mothers and daughters come to have a getaway, I get the honor of knowing that Blank Canvas played a part.

What words of encouragement or advice would you give to other women dreaming of starting their own business or embarking on a new personal or professional project?

Just do it! If it’s a dream of yours or a passion of yours, know that you are fully capable of making it happen. On top of that, find the person or people who will tell you that you CAN do it and will cheer you on every step of the way until you’ve done it. When I decided to start my business. My daughter gave me a shadow box. In it, she put $20.00 to serve as her investment in me. The quote on the shadow box stated "Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try." I had my own personal is important that you find yours.

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